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Human-Computer-Human Interaction Patterns: Workshop on the human role in HCI Patterns "Patterns" were defined and named by architect Christopher Alexander in 1977. They espouse an approach to design codified in the patterns focusing on interactions between physical forms and personal and social behaviour. At the CHI2004 workshop, we elicit patterns describing humancomputerhuman interaction. Areas of interest include collaborative workspaces and intelligent environments, multi-player games, collaborative web-sites, interaction among mobile users, collaborative learning, and peer-to-peer applications. The role of patterns in these areas should focus on users. As with Alexandrian patterns, patterns of interest should shift emphasis from developers to end users and from computer system internals to usage and interaction. To participate, submit one or more patterns before January 20th. The patterns will then be assigned a shepherd, an experienced pattern author, who will collaborate with you to improve your pattern before the workshop. Submitting earlier will give you more shepherding time. At CHI2004, we will discuss patterns in writer's workshops, and explore the patterns contexts to create a coherent pattern language. Finally, we will look into applying PLML, the Pattern Language Markup Language (a product of the CHI2003 Patterns Workshop) to the discussed patterns. Please send electronic submissions to Till.Schuemmer@fernuni-hagen.de.  WS#2. Identifying Gaps between HCI, Software Engineering and Design, and Boundary Objects to Bridge Them Bonnie E. John, HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Len Bass and Rick Kazman, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Eugene Chen, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc. (AM+A), USA A useful concept for bridging gaps between disciplines in interactive system development (e.g., usability engineering, software engineering, visual design, interaction design) is that of boundary objects. Boundary objects serve each discipline in its own work and also act as communication devices to coordinate work across disciplines. A "storyboard" can be considered a boundary object. A designer uses a storyboard to express and explore ideas in the space of presentation and navigation; a usability analyst uses the same storyboard to perform an early usability test; a software engineer uses it as part of the specification of the interface code. The storyboard performs different functions for each discipline, yet provides common ground for discussing intersecting concerns. This two-day workshop will collect examples of existing boundary objects, identify characteristics of boundary objects that successfully span disciplines and those that fail to do so, identify gaps between disciplines in need of boundary objects, and propose new boundary objects to bridge those gaps. Participants will be selected based on their experience bridging gaps between disciplines. Experiences illuminating the lack, or failure of boundary objects are just as valuable to this workshop as successful experiences. Prospective participants are invited to submit a 2-3 page position statement that includes: (1) Background: Your professional position in interdisciplinary teams and a short description of some projects you have worked on. (2) Position: Your observations of gaps between disciplines, and the attempts to bridge them with boundary objects or other methods. (3) Sample Materials: a description of a boundary object you have used (if any).  Sunday Workshops WS#3. Time Design The goal of this workshop is to explore and support the design of temporal aspects of interactive systems, where time is a property of the interface, task and environment, or an aspect of user behavior. Time design is an emerging research and development domain that emphasizes the functional, causal role of time in human-device interaction. It draws on a diverse literature on time in cognitive psychology, psychophysics, sociology, computer science, engineering, Human Factors and HCI. Contributions from these and other relevant disciplines are invited. The aim of the workshop is to map out the temporal dimensions of the design space by making explicit the time design choices involved in a number of scenarios. This process will be informed by temporal phenomena identified in a variety of research disciplines. The relevance of empirical results, models and theories of time use for the design process will be discussed. The contribution of existing representation, modelling and analysis methods will be assessed, and requirements for dedicated time design methods will be outlined. The scenarios include CSCW (concerned with issues of synchronization, pace, social time, and interruption handling), computer-based training (promoting thorough work style by introducing temporal decision costs), enjoyable interfaces (aesthetics of time; lessons learned from the temporal structure of film, music, conversation, humor), process control (interface features supporting anticipative control, perception of temporal costs, temporal reasoning), and online traffic information for public transport (perception of waiting time; time use strategies; temporal validity). Participants are encouraged to provide additional scenarios. Please submit 2-4 page position papers by 20 January 2004 to Michael Hildebrandt, hilde@cs.york.ac.uk.  WS#4. User Profiling Johan Schuurmans, IBM, The Netherlands Boris de Ruyter, Philips, The Netherlands Harry van Vliet, Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands Some global trends have a large influence on the way we use technology, like: · increasing connectivity and connected devices · broadband · increasing data storage capacity, both local and network · smart objects (ambient intelligence, intelligent multi-modal user interfaces) · heterogeneous environments To transform these trends into benefits for end users, products and services need to make efficient use of user profiles. A possible concern for end users is the large number and wide variety of different profiles to deal with. In this workshop we will discuss the width and depth of this topic and will try to: · get more grasp on “the big picture” · come to conclusions & recommendations in the form of how to proceed within and beyond the field of HCI. Participants should have experience in designing or research into profile-based human-computer interfaces. Participants are asked to write position papers in which they present their opinion related to: · environments for profiling, like "At home," "At work," and "In public" · the content, life cycle and definition of user profiles Position papers should include opinions on: 1. When do profiles have an added value? 2. What should a profile contain, how much intelligence should it possess? 3. Implementation issues: multiple profiles, ownership, security etc. 4. What is the relationship between profiling and HCI? Examples of profiles and/or (future) scenarios in which profiles play a crucial role across environments are appreciated.  WS#5. Designing for Reflective Practitioners: Sharing and Assessing Progress by Diverse Communities David Redmiles, University of California, Irvine, USA, redmiles@ics.uci.edu Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, gerhard@cs.colorado.edu Kumiyo Nakakoji, University of Tokyo, Japan, kumiyo@kid.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp Anders Morch, University of Oslo, Norway, andersm@ifi.uio.no This workshop is an opportunity for diverse researchers to come together to identify and trace common ideas evolving from the work of Donald Schön about the reflective practitioner. It is an opportunity to assess solutions, and to open channels of communication. Donald Schön wrote about the reflective practitioner, describing professional practice as transcending technical rationality, requiring reflection-in-action. Researchers in diverse communities have articulated related concepts. Fred Brooks distinguished between accidental and essential activities for software designers. Herbert Simon referred to the bounds of rationality in solving ill-formed problems. Lucy Suchman demonstrated the limits of rationalized designs in her characterization of situated action. In response to these observations, and sometimes in parallel, researchers and practitioners in many communities developed techniques, methods, and theories to support reflection on the part of end users. Software critics, agents, and wizards are example techniques developed by the intelligent user interface community to prompt end users to reflect on their work. The computer-supported collaborative learning community has worked to integrate working and learning. Methodologies such as participatory design and open source development support reflection and greater realism in software systems in the ways they involve end users. Participants will be selected on the basis of a 2-4 page position paper discussing their experiences developing and using techniques, methods, and theories that support reflective practitioners. Authors should address how the concepts they have used have evolved over time. Papers in MS Word or Adobe PDF formats should be submitted to redmiles@ics.uci.edu with the subject line "CHI Workshop Submission" no later than 20 January 2004. Notice of participant acceptance will be given by 23 February 2004. Additional information will be updated at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~redmiles/chiworkshop/.  WS#6. Cross-Dressing and Border Crossing: Exploring Experience Methods Across Disciplines Ron Wakkary, rwakkary@sfu.ca Thecla Schiphorst, thecla@sfu.ca Jim Budd, jbudd@sfu.ca School of Interactive Arts and Technology Simon Fraser University, Canada As designers of interactive systems (spaces, process, and products for people), we find ourselves stretching the limits of methodological structures that enable us to explore, build, communicate, and prototype experience. We argue that designing experience requires a re-dressing of methodological practice, and that HCI can benefit from drawing on methodological frameworks that traditionally fall outside of its purview. Domains such as performance, theatre, dance, architecture, conceptual design, industrial design, and visual art each contain rich knowledge and rigorous methodologies for constructing experience. Each of these domains defines experience, experience qualities and attributes, and defines affordances for enacting (and re-enacting) experience as a fundamental methodological tool. We invite participants from multiple disciplines across and within HCI, including kinesiology, performance, visual art, architecture, anthropology, organizational research, computing science, visualization and engineering. Participants are expected to be practitioners exploring unique methodological frameworks for designing technologically mediated experience. Participants will be expected to share, explore, and swap their methodologies in order to construct and design experiences. Our fundamental assumption is that experience matters. We assume that an understanding, exploration and sharing of experience design is central to HCI. Building experience is an interdisciplinary practice, we invite participants to share and explore the diverse practices that contribute to the evolution of methodologies for designing experience. Submissions are due 20 January 2004. Please email rwakkary@sfu.ca. Participants will be asked to submit a 2-4 page position paper and supporting artifacts that provide the following: *A demonstration, description, story, interactive or scenario of an interaction experience that has yet to be realized. * Description or account of a method or project related to designing of experience, interaction or performance.  WS#7. Shaping Human-Robot Interaction Christoph Bartneck, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Intelligent robotic products have begun to integrate into our daily lives. While robotic technology has achieved a certain amount of maturity, the social impact of these products is largely unknown. Little information is available on how intelligent robotic products need to be designed to fulfill their social role in our society. This workshop focuses on three aspects of human-robot interaction: (1) technical implementation of intelligent robotic products, (2) form, function and behavior, and (3) human behavior and expectations as a means to understanding the social aspects of interacting with these products. This workshop seeks to examine issues related to the design and development of social robots that act autonomously that is, on behalf of humans without continuous input from humans. Our goal is to provide a forum for technologists, human scientists, and designers to discuss issues related to the interactions between humans and social robots: technology, product form, function and behavior, and most importantly, human behavior, expectations, and ethical issues related to these products. We hope to identify key research issues in this field, and provide a roadmap for future research in human-robot interaction. We plan to cover a range of topics, including concepts, theories or guidelines for design of intelligent robotic products. Interesting topics are also the implementation methods and measuring methods for the social effects of robotic behavior. The workshop will consist of a day long highly interactive format that will encourage open dialogue and sharing wisdom. We will aim to achieve a balance of viewpoints and backgrounds in the selection of participants.  WS#8. HCI and Homecare: Connecting Families and Clinicians Lena Mamykina, Siemens Corporate Research, Inc., USA Jakob E. Bardram, University of Aarhus, Denmark Ilkka Korhonen, VTT Information Technology Finland Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Wanda Pratt, The Information School and Biomedical & Health Informatics, University of Washington, USA This one-day workshop aims to form a community of individuals interested in using computing technology to promote healthcare and support wellness in the context of homecare. We strive to connect and engage in conversation researchers from several distinct fields of scientific inquiry and practice: people with clinical experience, developers of enabling technologies and HCI researchers interested in home technologies and such issues as aging in place. The focus of the workshop is on identifying consistencies, or lack thereof in vocabulary, research methods and understanding of needs and current issues related to homecare, focusing on shared needs of individuals with homecare needs, their families and clinicians, and developing a theoretical framework for future research. See http://www.scr.siemens.com/CHI2004_Workshop/index.html. We welcome participants from healthcare, industry, academia, and government. We encourage people who are practitioners in the field of homecare, investigate various aspects of HCI and pervasive computing within a home environment, representatives of industrial corporations engaged in the development of software and enabling technologies for homecare, and individuals from government bodies who enact policies regarding reimbursement that affect homecare. Potential attendees need to submit a position statement to the organizers at lena.mamykina@siemens.com by 20 January 2004. The outcome of the workshop will be a collection of white papers to funding agencies and a workshop summary or a collection of articles for a special issue of a journal.  WS#9. Lost in Ambient Intelligence Anton Nijholt, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, anijholt@cs.utwente.nl Thomas Rist, DFKI, Germany, rist@dfki.de Kees Tuinenbreijer, Philips CDS, The Netherlands, kees.tuinenbreijer@philips.com Ambient intelligence environments will be integrated with our everyday environments. Garden, house, car, sitting room, study, office, and in fact every environment and its natural objects allow perception of what is going on in the environment and allow interaction by its occupants and visitors to extract and exchange information (including moods and emotions). Nevertheless, we should feel comfortable within them, although we know that the environment has eyes and ears that observe what we are doing. We should feel comfortable in addressing these environments when we need support. The environments will know about us. They know about our weak and strong points, maybe they will induce affiliation needs and attempt to induce self-disclosure since they can perform better when they know about our characteristics. We even have to assume that there is an audience in the 'background'. That is, there can be real-time involvement by those who own the environment or have been hired to provide user-support. Off-line processing (browsing of what has been going on or automatic detection and presentation of what is in the interest of those who control and maintain the environment) is another example of involvement the inhabitant may know about. In a home environment, we may assume that family members and friends can obtain access to such browsing facilities. Most of the current research in ambient intelligence deals with how the environment is able to identify and model users' activities, rather than how the user is willing, able, or likes to communicate with the environment or have the environment communicate with him. In more traditional environments multimodality in interactions has received attention, but it has hardly been investigated how these results can be transferred to environments where the user does not always explicitly address a particular (part of a) screen or an object. Moreover, most of the research in ambient intelligence does not take into account that people may get lost in ambient intelligence, may not know who to 'talk' to and may not be able to build some kind of relationship with the anonymous environment that nevertheless supports them, observes them and keeps track of their activities. Hence, an obvious question is, what kind of relationship do we have with our traditional human-computer interface. And, moreover, what kinds of relationships do HCI researchers want to establish between users and computers? And then, the next step is how does this translate to ambient intelligence environments. There is already a trend towards designing social interfaces, emphasizing human-to-human communication properties, rather than concentrating purely on designing intelligence and efficiency. In this research, the computer is perceived as a social actor, interaction should be socially formed and interaction design should take into account needs of emotions, personality, affiliation, friendship or even more. We should mention that it is not unusual to contribute personality characteristics to a room, a house, a mall, a street or square, to a town or even to a landscape or another natural environment. Thoughts and activities (i.e., interactions with the environment) are influenced by a particular environment, but also, users or inhabitants may choose a particular environment, may adapt the environment to their preferences and, whatever they do, leave their traces and because of that, their personalities in these environments. There are links between individuals and the physical environments they occupy. Similarly, we may assume that whenever technology allows, consciously and unconsciously, links are created between individuals and their (ambient intelligence) environments. Which ones do we want to induce as HCI researchers? For interface designers several questions arise. First of all, are there aspects of human-human interaction we do not want to lose because they allow or are necessary for social, private, efficient, and entertaining human-environment interaction? Having identified these aspects, do we want or can we induce them when we design interaction between humans and environments? Which research questions have to be answered when we want to investigate social interaction, which research questions are there when considering private interactions, which research questions are there to consider when talking about efficient interaction, and which questions have to be answered when looking at problems or opportunities for entertaining interactions in ambient intelligence environments? More detailed questions can be asked, taking into account multi-disciplinary and mono-disciplinary viewpoints. This workshop aims to: * Identify HCI problems related to interacting in ambient intelligence environments; shortcomings and necessary development of existing theories; role of the properties of the environment on interaction behavior of inhabitants, i.e., interacting with the environment and with other inhabitants. This includes issues as trust modeling, privacy awareness and presence. As such, it provides a forum to discuss the role of social psychology in ambient intelligence interaction. * Discuss the role of multi-party interaction modeling, assuming that objects, physical inhabitants, virtual inhabitants and (future) observers all play roles in the multi-party interaction. This research needs to take into account temporal and spatial characteristics of interaction in ambient intelligence environments, including cross-modal reference resolution. * Discuss problems related to the fusion and fission of information in ambient intelligence environments. Based on interpretation of information obtained from several sources it should be decided what actions should be taken by the environment and how they should be displayed. What is the state-of-the-art in multi-modal interaction modeling and does it cover the needs of ambient intelligence environments. We encourage participation from a wide range of disciplines including Human-Computer Interaction, Social Psychology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. The workshop will be limited to 16 participants. Please submit a 2-4-page position paper outlining your interest in this topic to anijholt@cs.utwente.nl. Position papers must be received by 20 January 2004. Participants will be notified of selection by 23 February 2004. The workshop format will include a presentation by each participant and discussion. In addition each participant will lead a discussion on the issues raised by another participant's paper.  WS#10. Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery Co-Chairs: Yang Cai, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, ycai@cmu.edu Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany, judithks@cs.cmu.edu Workshop Program Committee: Elena Zudilova, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Gregory O'Hare, University College Dublin, Ireland Peter Jones, Redesign Research, Dayton, USA Yongxiang Hu, NASA Langley Research Center, VA, USA Binh Pham, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Tony Adriaansen, Telecommunications & Industrial Physics CSIRO, Australia System-level interaction design for scientific discovery has been gaining interest due to potential payoff in applications such as biomedical discovery, nano-materials and telecommunications. With growing data streams and the complexity of discovery tasks, we see demand for integrating digital media and communications (Internet, WiFi, SMS and Multimedia) and the opportunity for ambient interfaces using interaction methods that are usually taken for granted such as perception, insight and analogy. Our goals are to help investigators and innovators "see the big pictures," to make non-obvious connections, have data at the point-of-decision, and to solve problems creatively. We also want to search for solutions to interesting questions such as: How do we significantly reduce information while maintaining meaning? How to extract patterns from massive and growing data resources? How to share scientific data without sacrificing privacy or research value? How to design common information spaces for collaboration enabled by ambient interfaces? The objective of this one-day workshop is to gather a small group of scientists and HCI professionals in one room and explore the future of Ambient Intelligence for the new needs in scientific discovery. To maximize group interaction, we plan to allow 15 minutes for each oral presentation, with time throughout the day for discussions, coffee breaks and a lunch. We plan to reserve discussion and brainstorming sessions in the afternoon, followed by setting an action agenda at the close. Topics of interest of the Workshop include, but are not limited to: . ambient interfaces for information reduction . perception-based data mining . ambient problem solving environments . discovery languages . interactive visualization . discovery agents . data privacy in scientific discovery . scientific reasoning . multi-modal ambient collaboration You are invited to submit extended abstracts of 2 to 3 pages (Letter or A4 paper) which will be selected for oral presentations. Submitted abstracts must be original, proposing significant contributions to Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery. We are looking for 1) novelty, e.g. new interfaces, 2) paradigms or methods, e.g. perception, heuristics in scientific discovery, and 3) real-world experience, e.g. case studies. Submitted abstract must be formatted according to the style of CHI publications. See CHI2004 Publications Format for formatting information. All extended abstracts selected for this Workshop will be peer-reviewed and published online before the Workshop. A PDF version of your extended abstract should be submitted using either the online interface at http://flan.blm.cs.cmu.edu/amdi04/upload.htm, or by email to Yang Cai ycai@cmu.edu and Judith Klein-Seetharaman judithks@cs.cmu.edu. After the Workshop, the program committee will invite participants to expand their extended abstracts to submit complete articles for a planned proceedings.  Monday Workshops WS#11. Exploring the Relationship between Design and HCI John Zimmerman, Shelley Evenson, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Konrad Baumann, FH Joanneum, Austria Peter Purgathofer, University of Technology, Design and Assessment, Austria In recent years the relationship between design and HCI has been a topic of interest at CHI. In 2002 in the panel discussion CHI@20 Don Norman suggested that design was "skill one" while Stu Card suggested that encouraging a robust HCI component within Industrial Design was a good effort. In 2003, Daniel Fallman contributed a paper called Design-oriented Human-Computer Interaction detailing "design-oriented research" and "research-oriented design." These three positions suggest that new ways of looking at the relationship between HCI and Design (meaning industrial, communication, and interaction/experience) are emerging within the SIGCHI community. The goal of this workshop is to explore this emerging relationship by examining two themes: 1. the definition and role of design research and 2. the role of design in HCI education. The topic of design research is still emerging in the HCI community, and very little has been published on this topic. Workshop participants will explore design research by sharing models they have seen in both industry and academia and elaborating on why these models succeed or fail. The issue of design education in HCI has two themes: 1. Do HCI students need to study design? 2. What should designers study with respect to HCI? Workshop participants will discuss the goals for design education and will generate sample syllabi that meet those goals. Examining these two issues will provide designers, computer scientists, and behavioral scientist an opportunity to better understand the relationship of design to HCI. Goals This workshop is intended: … to document prevailing points of view on the relationship between design and HCI … to discover and document current practice with regard to design and HCI in research, development and education … to search for a place for design within the context of scientific education and evaluation. … to inventory and highlight patterns in successful design-oriented HCI research and HCI-oriented design research … to explore the motivation for teaching design to non-design HCI students as well as the educational requirements for interaction designers who wish to effectively participate in HCI research and product development. Workshop Activities Models of Design Research Participants will engage in directed story telling based on their case stories as a method of mapping how participants think design research works and how they use design research. Design and HCI Education Participants will explore the issues of education in two groups. One group will develop a syllabus and rationale for teaching design to HCI students. The other group will develop a syllabus and rationale for teaching HCI to interaction design students. Groups will share results from their explorations from both design research and design and HCI education, and these results will be formatted as a poster for presentation at the CHI conference. Participation Participant position papers are due 20 January 2004. Position papers focused on research must propose a research 'case story' that can be recounted at the workshop. Position papers focused on education issues must also have an educational 'case story' to tell. You are invited to submit position papers of 2 to 3 pages. Submitted papers must use the CHI Publications Format . All papers selected for this Workshop will be peer-reviewed and published online before the Workshop. Please email a PDF version of your paper to Design-And-HCI@andrew.cmu.edu. Participants will be notified of their acceptance by 23 February 2004. The organizers will construct a website with an annotated bibliography of recent work that relates to the relationship between design and HCI. Position papers of accepted participants will be also be posted the website.  WS#12. The Temporal Aspects Of Work For HCI Peter Wild, University of Bath, UK, pwild@cs.bath.ac.uk Peter Johnson, University of Bath, UK Christ Roast, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, C.R.Roast@shu.ac.uk Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft Research, USA, marycz@microsoft.com Temporal issues in HCI have been explored in reference to their implications for interaction at the user interface. The research reported has focused heavily around the implications of delay and used low level unit tasks as examples. As such temporal considerations have been device driven, not work driven. Furthermore, little consideration has been made into how temporal factors are affected by other contextual factors such as organizational structure and culture. Research done to understand how temporal factors affect the structure of the work that we design for is less widely known and available. This workshop proposes to bring together researchers and developers whose concern is with the higher level temporal structure of the tasks we support with interactive systems. The goals are as follows: to explore in more depth the temporal aspects of work; to bring together people in different disciplines to discuss and address temporal aspects of work; to bring together researchers and practitioners to better inform both research and practice into the temporal aspects of works; to explore the design (both organisational & computational) implications of temporal aspects of work. Contributions should be in the CHI 2004 Extended Abstracts style, 4 to 6 pages long. Participants will be selected based on the contribution to the goals of the workshop, the shared interests of the other participants, and likelihood to promote discussion and collaboration. Please send inquiries and submissions to Peter Wild, pwild@cs.bath.ac.uk  WS#13. Home Technologies to Keep Elders Connected Jay Lundell, Margaret Morris, Intel Research, USA Stephen Intille, MIT, USA The focus of this workshop is on innovative solutions to elder care, particularly as they pertain to maintaining and facilitating connections in the elder population – staying connected with friends and family, staying connected with past, present, and future, staying connected with elders’ identifying pastimes, and staying connected with the status of their health. The goals of the workshop are to identify areas where connecting elders is of concern, and to identify areas of research and collaboration between participants and research communities. The outcome of the workshop will be to increase the focus on research in promoting quality of life in elders via technological innovation, to jointly publish research in this area, and more specifically, to publish the results of the workshop in the SIGCHI Bulletin and other targeted publications. Individuals interested in participating in this one-day workshop should email a 2-3 page position paper to jay.lundell@intel.com by 20 January 2004. The position paper should contain: · Your name, affiliation, and contact information · Short bio with description of research or design experience relevant to workshop · Description of research in elder care and/or connecting elders. Participants will be selected based on their workshop position paper and the relevance of their background. Special emphasis will be placed on attracting participants with diverse perspectives from the health research community, the ubiquitous computing community, and from different cultures and geographies. The organizers will distribute position papers to attendees prior to the workshop and then summarize them as a post-workshop publication.  WS#14. Considering Trust in Ambient Societies Stephen Marsh, National Research Council, Canada Pamela Briggs, University of Northumbria, UK Waleed Wagealla, University of Strathclyde, UK The ubiquitous technology explosion, and its natural extension as Ambient Intelligence (AmI), will ensure that technology is embedded into human society in deep and pervasive ways. As a result the parameters of information exchange will be fundamentally changed. There will be very few boundaries. This raises questions about how those boundaries may be created and maintained. How will individuals in the Ambient Society manage their information flows, in and out? How can they know whether to trust the information that is given to them? What freedoms can they give their devices to trust others, and how will they manage that process? It also raises questions of interaction design to allow people to truly understand and control their personal world, and it raises questions about how trust itself works and can work in such a society. This workshop will bring together theorists and practitioners in HCI, CSCW, Ambient Intelligence, AI, agent based systems, and others to discuss one of the most important topics of the first decade of this century the exploitation of trust. The result will be a roadmap of scenarios, requirements, pitfalls, solutions and new applications of trust in AmI which will facilitate the useand, vitally, an understanding of the behaviour of this technology and a genuine feel for its potential. Contributions should be in the CHI2004 Extended Abstracts style, 2 to 4 pages long. Participants will be selected based on the quality and topic of the submissions and their overall fit in the workshop as it develops. There will be an opportunity for more wide-reaching publication. Please send enquiries and submissions to Steve Marsh, steve.marsh@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca  WS#15. "Scientists, designers seek same for good conversation": A Workshop on Online Dating Online personal advertisements have shed their stereotype as matchmakers for the awkward to claim a prominent role in the social lives of millions of users. This one-day workshop will bring together social scientists and designers to discuss: 1. How people are behaving in online personals systems and how best to study this behavior. 2. How various personals Web sites handle self-expression, searching, matching, and communicating. 3. How the design of personals systems interacts with individual and cultural constructs of relationships and attraction. 4. How we can improve the design and experience of these systems. To apply for the workshop, simply submit a 2- to 4-page position paper. We will consider a variety of work related to online personals, as appropriate to your discipline, as long as it reflects your experience with or consideration of the topics above. Some suggestions: — Quantitative study of behavior on a personals system — Novel designs for better personals systems (incremental improvements or radical departures from the norm) — Review of the literature on attraction and its application to online dating — Interviews (or surveys) with users of online personals systems — Comparative survey of the design elements of online personals sites: What is universal? What is unique? — Experiment involving construction and perception of identity in personals ads. We will select participants from diverse backgrounds based on the relevance and originality of their position papers. Please email your paper to chi-personals@media.mit.edu by 20 January 2004. Limited to 15 participants.  WS#16. Helping Users to Use Help: Improving Interaction with Help Systems Garett Dworman and Stephanie Rosenbaum, Tec-Ed, Inc. All too often, users fail to use the help systems available to them. This may be the fault of the help system, whose content or information architecture (IA) has proven unhelpful in the past. But even if content and IA support users’ needs and tastes, a help system may fail to engage users because they don’t interact with it in the first place. This one-day workshop will explore the integration of help systems into users’ environments and users’ initial interactions with help systems, from the perspective of interaction and interface design. The participants will: · Perform reviews of help system access mechanisms · Develop guidelines for designers · Identify research to validate or revise guidelines We encourage a diverse group of participants interested in the challenge of helping users to use help, especially: · Practitioners who have worked with the interaction design of help systems · Usability professionals who have evaluated help systems · Researchers who have investigated users’ interactions with help systems Please submit a position paper (2 - 4 pages) with two types of information: · Biographical information about your experience in interaction, UCD, IA, and/or content, especially with help systems. · At least one example, with discussion, of access mechanisms for help systems. Good and bad examples are acceptable; discuss their strengths and weaknesses. Examples must be printable so we can create hard-copy handouts. Position papers are due 20 January 2004. For more information about the workshop and the organizers backgrounds, or to submit a position paper, email HelpWorkshop@teced.com.  WS#17. Forecasting Presence and Availability Joe Tullio, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA James Bo Begole, Sun Microsystems Laboratories Europe, France Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research, USA Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Current groupware and communication tools are often insufficient to support informal communication, whether due to poorly maintained schedules, increased distribution of users, or increased mobility of the workgroup. This workshop will examine core technologies, interface design issues, and evaluation strategies for augmenting these tools with predictions about the presence and availability of people for collaboration. We seek to explore how advances in machine learning, user modeling, sensors, and mobile computing can be incorporated into the existing applications, social norms, and infrastructure of the workplace. Participants with backgrounds in user modeling and machine learning, visualization, privacy, and groupware design, from either industry or academia, will be sought. Participants will be selected based on position papers submitted prior to the workshop. Position papers should be no more than three pages in length, and should address one or more of the following: • Novel models and representations for forecasting availability and/or presence • Interface/interaction designs for the output of such models and representations • Novel applications of presence/availability information • Evaluation methods, both quantitative and qualitative, for such applications We expect close to fifteen participants, but are willing to accommodate up to twenty people should the quality of papers warrant expansion. Our objective is to ensure breadth as well as depth in terms of the represented disciplines and approaches.  WS#18. Reflective HCI: Towards a Critical Technical Practice Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine, USA Janet Finlay, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University, USA Peter Wright, University of York, UK Human-computer interaction draws on many disciplines, not only on computer science and cognitive psychology, but also, more recently, on alternative views grounded in social science, design, literary theory, cultural studies, critical theory, and phenomenology. These new perspectives have broadened our view of what HCI might be as a discipline, and they have also broadened our understanding of how it should be practiced. Specifically, influences from domains such as cultural studies and art practice underscore the importance of questioning our fundamental assumptions about the nature of interaction between people and technology and the role of designers in mediating that interaction. These insights suggest the possibility of rethinking HCI as a critical technical practice, in which technology development can be not only an end in itself, but also a means to reflect on the assumptions and attitudes that underpin our ideas about technology and humanity. This workshop will explore the possibilities for mutual illumination between technology design practice and critical reflection within HCI. Areas of particular interest include: · The application of theory and concepts from design, literary theory, cultural studies, critical theory, the arts and phenomenology to human interaction with technology and to HCI as a critical technical practice; · Case studies of work from computer scientists, product designers, digital artists, etc. that incorporate artistic and humanistic analysis into technology design, or use technology design as a way to generate new artistic or humanistic reflections on human-technology interaction; · Experience and examples of educational programs and research initiatives that aim to bridge arts, design science and engineering disciplines. The workshop format will include a presentation by each participant. We encourage participation from a wide range of disciplines including computer science, design research, literary and cultural studies, and the digital arts. Please submit a two- to four-page position paper (as a Word or PDF file) describing work related to this topic to sengers@cs.cornell.edu. Position papers must be received by 20 January 2004. Participants will be notified of selection by 23 February 2004.  WS#19. Social Learning through Gaming Elaine Raybourn, Sandia National Laboratories Annika Waern, Swedish Institute of Computer Science The workshop will bring together researchers, academics, and designers from several disciplines, including game design, development, communication, psychology, computer science, graphics, visual art, etc. who are deeply interested in understanding more about social learning effects from playing games in technology-mediated settings such as computer or video games, augmented reality games, virtual reality, mobile devices, live action role plays, massively multi-player online role playing games (MMORPG), and so on. We are interested in what (if anything) players learn within the game setting that can be successfully transferred to similar or different situations or social settings outside of the game contextand we are also interested in how we, as game designers, create games that provide learning opportunities for lasting skills development that extend out of the game and into real life. Join us for a single-day workshop on gaming and learning, as well as themes that emerge from the accepted position papers. The workshop will be highly interactive, allowing time for interpersonal, small group communication, questions, and discussion. Participants are selected based on submitted position papers. A workshop report will be generated for SIGCHI Bulletin, and workshop participants are invited to submit extended versions of their position papers to a special issue on Social Implications of Learning from Gaming to be published in the winter 2005 issue of the journal Interactive Technology and Smart Education. Contact for position paper submissions: Elaine Raybourn, Sandia National Laboratories, emraybo@sandia.gov Annika Waern, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, annika@sics.se |