Message from Ronald and Cecile, Co-Chairs This year's conference theme is connect, and the demonstrations track is the perfect venue to connect the CHI audience with your work. It is also the perfect venue to demonstrate how new and emerging technologies, as well as innovations of current technologies, allow an improved connection between humans and computers.
About Demonstrations
We are interested in demonstrations of all technologies on the full range of HCI related topics, especially as they relate to the conference theme and its special areas. Examples of areas of interest include:
ubiquitous computing
wearable and implantable computers
universal usability/accessibility
augmented reality
non-traditional input and output techniques
information access and visualization
interface concept
HCI system
technique or methodology
Walk-In and Formal Demonstrations
There are two types of demonstrations: formal and walk-in.
Walk-in demonstrations do not require a submission in advance of the conference; walk-in demonstration space may be reserved on-site for a 45 minute time slot. A walk-in demonstration does not require a paper submission, it does not appear in conference publications, and it does not receive specialized audio-visual or computing support. Walk-in demonstrations typically are used for sharing work with other members of the HCI community on an informal basis. During the conference, standard facilities for walk-in demonstrations may be reserved for 45-minute time slots.
Formal demonstrations require a written submission that includes a two-page extended abstract, a proposal, and a demo script outline. Formal demonstrations are refereed, and require submission of a technical paper. Accepted papers appear in conference publications, and authors of accepted papers present in scheduled sessions at the conference. This presentation interweaves an explanation of technical approaches with a live or recorded demonstration.
A formal demonstration presentation is a 30-minute live presentation or video presentation of a running system, a technique, or a methodology to an audience.
Demonstrations offer an opportunity to show the CHI audience an innovative:
interface concept
HCI system
technique or methodology
The first two categories typically demonstrate running systems or prototypes. The third category includes, but is not limited to, techniques for designing, prototyping, developing, and testing the usability of computer interfaces. In all cases, the demonstration should present the technology's potential for connecting humans and computers. We also remind you that audience participation enhances almost any demonstration.
Requests for Mentoring
CHI2004 provides mentors for proposers who would like assistance in preparing their submissions. Please see the Mentoring for more information. The deadline to request a mentor is 21 July 2003.
Review Criteria
An international panel will review the submissions for quality and interest to an HCI audience. Both the technical content and presentation potential will be reviewed. Demonstrations that are judged to have little or no technical merit, or that appear to be advertisements for commercial products, will not be accepted. Review criteria include:
contribution to the field of HCI
originality of the work
proper referencing of research or practical claims, and of closely related work
maturity of the concept, system, tool, or technique
quality of presentation
Submission Format: Formal Demonstrations Only
Walk-in demonstrations require no formal submission.
The following only applies to formal demonstration presentations. A formal demonstration presentation submission consists of three parts:
an extended abstract
a proposal
a script outline
All three submission parts must be submitted to the Demonstrations Co-Chairs by 5:00pm (17:00) PST 6 October 2003.
Extended Abstract
Prepare a two-page paper in the Conference Publications Format suitable for publication in the CHI2004 Extended Abstracts, including title, author information, abstract, keywords, body, and references. Since it will be read by people who may not view the demonstration, it must be understandable on its own.
A demonstration proposal contains:
a statement of why this is an appropriate format in which to present the work
a description of the system and the problems it addresses (if appropriate)
a description of the relevance of the work to the HCI community, emphasizing its novelty, uniqueness, and rationale
a statement about the commercial status of the technology
a description of the presenter (developer, designer, marketer, and so on)
a detailed description of the necessary audio-visual and computing support
a URL to any video material associated with the demonstration
Script Outline
A script outline of the demonstration describes the flow of presentation. Begin with a statement of the problem being addressed. Then outline the sequence of the demonstration or video, narrative, and audience participation. Include screen shots, snapshots, or sketches (as appropriate), and the narrative used to weave the demonstration together. Plan to use at least two-thirds of your time for the demonstration or video rather than giving a talk.
Requirements for Formal Demonstration Submissions
Your submission must be in English.
Your submission must be a single PDF file containing the extended abstract (2 pages), proposal, and script outline.
Submissions will not be accepted by fax.
Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
Submissions should contain no information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.
Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not CHI2004.
You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.
Submission Instructions
Submissions must be received before the deadline of 5:00 PM (17:00) PST 6 October 2003. Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Send your PDF file to
If you anticipate difficulties with emailing a single PDF file, please contact us well before the submission deadline.
Upon Acceptance
Extended abstracts of accepted demonstrations will be published in the CHI2004 Extended Abstracts. Authors will receive an email notification of acceptance or rejection by 1 December 2003. Upon acceptance you must complete and return a copyright release form in order to be published. This form will be sent with the acceptance notice.
The primary author of each paper will receive instructions on how to submit publication-ready copy. Only minor corrections to the original submission will be possible at this stage. Therefore, ensure that your original submission is clearly written, carefully proofread, and correctly formatted.
Confidentiality of Submissions
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All submitted materials for rejected papers will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted papers will be kept confidential until the date of the conference, 24 April 2004. Submissions should contain no information or materials that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publications that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.
At the Conference
Conference attendees who wish to make a walk-in demonstration may sign up during the conference to reserve standard facilities for 45-minute time slots.
Authors of accepted formal demonstrations will present their work in a scheduled session. Presentations are generally 30 minutes, with a 20-minute demonstration and 10 minutes for questions.
Presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptops for their presentation. CHI2004 will identify local vendors for on-site rental equipment at presenters' expense (details forthcoming) but due to budget constraints will not be able to provide computer support in every session. A digital projector (800x600 or better) will be provided for Macintosh or PC laptop projection.
Presenters of formal demonstrations that use computers must provide their own technical support and are required to perform a technical rehearsal in the demonstration preparation room well in advance of their presentations. We encourage presenters to present videos of their system instead of performing a live demonstration that may be prone to unpredictable system problems.
Checklist for Formal Demonstrations Submission
Please perform the activities in this checklist to ensure that your submission is complete.
Secure the rights for any third party materials used
Prepare the two-page extended abstract as described earlier
Prepare a proposal for review, as described earlier
Prepare a script outline, as described earlier
Prepare an information cover page
Prepare a PDF file containing your information cover page, extended abstract, proposal (with link to an online video, if applicable), and script outline
Submit via email to The subject line should specify "CHI2004 Demo Submission."