CHI 2004 April 24 through 29 Vienna AustriaCHI2004 Logo

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Tuesday 10:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30

BIOBSERVE provides powerful and innovative tools for usability testing experiments. We offer a system for software usability testing that allows full screen capture of computer screens without any loss of information. We also provide software running on handheld computers for mobile data acquisition.

CURE – Stand 11
CURE has pioneered human-computer interaction and usabiltiy research in Austria and performs high- profile applied research activities. USECON offers commercial usability and user experience services covering all phases of the product lifecycle well integrated into a solid human-centric management approach.

Cybelius Software – Stand 8
Cybelius Maestro™ is a simulation and development tool for user centered mobile devices. Maestro™ relies on component based and reusable product simulations that can be utilized also in usability engineering.

FrogPad – Stand 3
FrogPad™ is the only one-handed fully functional keyboard that is 1/5 the size of a normal Qwerty keyboard and emulates all of its functions. It works with most USB compatible devices and is quickly becoming the data entry standard for mobile devices.

Google – Stand M
Google�s ease of use is the result of a continued focus on putting the user first. If you�re interested in the challenge of making information easily accessible to a global audience, please stop by our booth. We have several open positions and would be happy to discuss them with you.

Human Factors International – Stand E
Human Factors International offers consulting, training, and products in software usability. Since 1981, we have worked on over 2,300 interface projects and taught over 1,400 courses on interface design worldwide.

InContext Enterprises – Stand 7
We'll be demonstrating CDTools, our new software application designed specifically to support customer-centered design. We'll also be happy to talk to you about Contextual Design-the front-end, customer-centered design process created by InContext. Visit

Interface Consult – Stand F
Interface Consult ( is a leading usability company in Austria, founded in 1994. The company offers a broad range of usability consulting services for all phases of the project lifecycle.

John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. – Stand K
John Wiley and Sons Ltd are a leading publisher of computing books, providing timely and reliable resources for both the professional and academic markets.

Kluwer Academic Publishers

Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. – Stand 6
LEA publishes the scholarly journal, Human-Computer Interaction, as well as cutting edge books and other journals in HCI, human factors, CSCW, educational technology, cognitive science, applied psychology and related disciplines. Please visit our booth.

LC Technologies Eyegaze Systems – Stand 4
LC Technologies Eyegaze Development System: An instrument for measuring, recording, playing back, and analyzing what a person is doing with his eyes.� Calibration takes only 10 seconds. Now available portable or with binocular eyetracking.

Mangold Software – Stand 18
We offer leading solutions for the collection, transcription and analysis of observational data in human and animal behaviour. Our products are used all over the world, for more than 10 years.

Microsoft Corporation – Stands C & D
Our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Try out their latest software and connect with the people behind it.

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers – Stand H
Morgan Kaufmann publishes the Series in Interactive Technologies for interaction design professionals, academics, and students as well as for all software, WWW, and multimedia developers involved in user interface design. New titles this year include Richard Ling's The Mobile Connection; Susan Fowler's Web Application Development Handbook; Colin Ware's Information Visualization, 2/e; and Barbara Mirel's Interaction Design for Complex Problem Solving.

Noldus Information Technology – Stands 1 & 2
Noldus offers software and integrated systems including portable and stationary labs for recording and analyzing human-computer interaction. The new Observer is available for live observations and video analysis and will be displayed in our booth. We will also demonstrate new tools for mobile observations.

Pearson Education – Stand 16
Pearson Education is the world's leading educational publisher. We publish extensively in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and have some exciting new texts. Visit our stand for a closer look!

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., (Interaction Group, Software Center) – Stand 9
The Interaction Group from Samsung Electronics presents GIA (gesture-based interactive photo album) along with a number of research outcomes. Discussion on career opportunities in interaction design/HCI area is welcomed!

The Interaction Group, Samsung Electronics will be presenting its recent research related to user experience design and new interaction development. Anyone who is interested in Interaction Group or Samsung Electronics, whether for career purposes or purely as fellow practitioners will be welcomed.

SAP – Stand L
SAP presents its knowledge base for user interface design (SAP Design Guild), the "UI First" development process as well as new user interface concepts. Specialists in user productivity will be available to discuss career opportunities at SAP.

Smart Eye AB – Stand 17
Demonstration of Smart Eye Pro - targeted for users and applications that require high-accuracy measurements of head pose and gaze in 3 dimensions at full frame rate. Web:

Springer Verlag – Stand J
Springer�s publishing programme contains a whole range of books, journals and electronic media covering all fields of computer science. For detailed information about all publications, please visit

Taylor & Francis – Stand 10
Building on two centuries� experience, Taylor & Francis has grown rapidly to become a leading international academic publisher. With offices worldwide, the Taylor & Francis Group publishes more than 800 journals.

TechSmith – Stand N
Morae is the only fully integrated, all-digital software solution for analyzing human-computer interaction. Powered by patent- pending, Rich Recording Technology �, Morae allows you to record, log, analyze and share.

The MIT Press – Stand 5
The MIT press is a premiere publisher in titles on computer-human interaction. New and recent back list titles available at 20% conference discount. New title highlights include: Design Research by Brenda Laurel and Activity-Centered Design by Geri Gay and Helene Hembrooke.

Tobii Technology – Stand B
Tobii Technology provides solutions for eye-tracking and applications based on this. Check out our unique tools for usability/advertising studies, and a preview of upcoming products for eye-based computer interaction.

Yahoo! Inc. – Stand A
Yahoo! is the leading destination on the web for people to find anything, communicate with anyone, or buy anything, wherever they are.

CHI 2004 ConnectApril 24-29 Vienna, Austria Back to Top SIGCHI